Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Autobiographical Essay

Me, Myself, and I
Anytime someone starts a story with, “Hello my name is….” I get bored and immediately lose interest. So, I’ll do my best to find a more interesting way to say my name is Fehbe, I’m 17, I live in Inglewood, and my goal in life is to become a journalist. There, how’s that?
            I want to start off and say that I love talking about myself and I can go on and on and on. So, I’ll try to make things as short and as simple as I can. I was born on June 10, 1993 to my parents Olga Acosta Ruben Meza. I couldn’t be happier with the parents I was blessed with. They’ve always been there for me and have always supported me in my every endeavor. People often remark that I’m spoiled just because I get everything I want but I am in an only child so, aren’t I entitled to some things? However, I sincerely believe I deserve everything I get because I hardly cause trouble for my parents and my academic record is spotless. My parents don’t like the fact that I’m a vegetarian, though. I don’t like red meat and I can barely stand white meat. I just can’t see why people would want to eat cute little chickens or piglets that have emotions and probably never thought they’d end up on someone’s plate. I have also recently acquired an addiction to almond milk. Although I am an only child, I maintain a close relationship with my cousins and they fill the roles of my brother and sister. Sometimes, though, I do want some privacy so it’s common for me to lock myself in my room the whole day. A girl needs her space, right?
My personality can receive mixed reviews from people. I’m not denying the fact that I’m conceited but I prefer the word, confident. I have no problems with how I look or dress. Admittedly, there are certain aspects of me that I would like to change, but I’ve learned to live with the characteristics that differentiate me from other people. My style varies from day to day but I’m generally into preppy, classic styles. Nevertheless, all my outfits take meticulous planning beforehand and this shows the perfectionist and controlling aspect of my personality. I’m generally a happy person and I’m almost never sad or mad. I laugh a lot and I get numerous laugh attacks every day. I’m very forgetful and (though it embarrasses me to admit) I sometimes forget my own name. If someone doesn’t like my personality, I don’t mind. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.
When people ask what I like to do, I’m often at a loss for words because there is an abundance of activities that I enjoy. I absolutely adore going shopping! I spend so much money at the mall that I should legally own a share of each store I go to. I get a thrill every time I spend money and buy something and most of things I buy end up only decorating my closet. Dresses are my biggest weakness. I must have about 30 different dresses, and 10 probably still have the tags on. Besides shopping, I spend my time talking on the phone, reading, and writing. Music also has a big influence on my life. There is a song for every one of my moods and lyrics that describe me in a musical fashion. At this stage of my life, Miley Cyrus pretty much sums me up in her song, “Can’t be Tamed”. I don’t watch television that much and I can count on my fingers the number of shows I am actually interested in. Two of my absolute favorites are Glee and Jersey Shore. They’re two complete opposites, yet they show how well-rounded my interests are. I’m always looking for new hobbies. I want to learn how to play the piano and take ballroom dancing lessons. Who knows, I might be on “Dancing with the Stars”.
I do have two hobbies that I plan to keep up after high school and as long as I can; tennis and pageantry. I started playing tennis two ago but I quickly fell in love with it. It’s a great stress reliever because all the anger you’re feeling goes straight into the ball. Tennis is a mix of teamwork and independence, which suits me perfectly because sometimes I want to do things by myself and other times I crave companionship. If possible, I plan to go to a college that offers tennis as an athletic program because I do not want to give that up. I also don’t want to give up pageantry. I’ve been competing in pageants since I was 5, so it’s a big part of my life. I can’t imagine letting that go. I love the spotlight, so pageantry is just another sport; sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Regardless of the outcome, I have an amazing time competing in them and I’ve met people from across America who’ve become close friends of mine. It’s not something that you just stop doing and I plan to keep going as long as possible. When it stops being enjoyable and I’m doing it for the wrong reasons, then I will move on and close that chapter of my life.
            School is my number one priority right now, but it’s not my only priority. Yes, I do receive excellent grades and what not, but I also do my homework every night. I’m a big procrastinator, yet I’ve learned through unfortunate experiences to do the work the day it’s given because the next day I’m just going to get more of  it and I’ll be bombarded with assignments that I probably won’t be able to adequately handle. Perhaps what also contributes to my high grades is the fact that I’m a competitive person. I always want to be the one with the highest score; in fact, it almost seems like I have to. I try and do more than my best on everything so I can get the As I need to graduate with honors and further my education at a prestigious university.
            That being said, I could never settle on one career goal or university choice. To this day, I am still undecided because there are so many amazing and interesting careers and opportunities in this world, but I only have one life. I’ve settled on two possible careers though; journalist or member of Congress. I realized in my junior year of high school that writing was an activity I immensely enjoyed. It was a way of release for me but also a less raucous way than talking to express my often outspoken opinions. Journalism combines my love of talking and writing into a career that can branch out in so many ways. As of now, I’m unsure of whether to be a magazine journalist or a broadcast news journalist. Both equally interest me, but neither stands out the most right now. Becoming a Congresswoman has also been a dream of mine. As a little girl I said I wanted to become President of the United States. That dream hasn’t left me, however I’ve decided to start small and break down that large goal into smaller ones. My first step would be to get elected as a Senator. My ultimate goal is to help better our country and prevent it from becoming a nation that persecutes its hardworking lower class while rewarding the rich upper class. Luckily, my two career paths can intertwine and I have the opportunity to become a White house Correspondent for CNN or political news analyst before stepping into politics. To reach my goals, my dream is to attend either New York University or Columbia University because they are both located in the capital of the world, New York City, and have access to the best internships in journalism and politics. As any successful individual will tell you, it is always important to put your foot in the door early.
            When it comes to talking about myself, I can go on forever. I did not even try to summarize everything to fit into a four page paper so this is only a part of me. The best of advice I’ve ever received is trying equals failing. Never “try” to do anything; just do it. I admit that I’ve grown up, made mistakes, lost a few friends, made new ones, and learned from mistakes. I never regret anything. I’m going to fall (probably many times) but I just have to pick myself up and keep going. Nothing is going to stop me from getting to where I want to go. Why? Because I’m Fehbe.

How the Porcupines got their quills Short Story

A long time ago, when the world was young, there lived a young rodent. He was a pudgy thing, with small feet and coarse brown hair. He was bigger than his parents, Ratatouille and Rina, and was named Porky because he ate like a pig. Porky lived a pleasant life in a large forest. The lush green vegetation provided plenty of food and the gigantic trees were fun to climb and made excellent hiding places. From the top, Porky once saw a rabbit dive into a bunch of bramble below to escape from the jaws of a hungry wolf. The wolf tried to grab it and gnashed its fangs into the bramble but the thorns kept pricking into it and eventually, it gave up and dashed away. Porky was amazed by this and it was just one of the many exciting sights he witnesses on his daily adventures.
            Like any young animal, Porky was naturally adventurous, which made his parents very wary of letting him out of their sight.
            “Son, you must be careful. We are not the strongest animals in this forest, nor are we the fastest. For that reason, you must be careful that no predator ever catches you because you’ll become his prey,” Ratatouille told his son.
            “You must also never show your belly. It’s so soft, one small swipe of a claw could mean your life,” his mother, Rina, warned.
            Yet, like any child, Porky never took his parents’ concerns seriously. He continued to play and live a carefree life in the forest and was hardly ever on the lookout for danger. One day, Porky woke up from a long slumber with an enormous appetite. He wanted berries but he knew that the best berries were on the other side of the creek, an area he was never permitted to go to. He remembered an ominous warning his father once gave him about the dangers that were present on the other side of the creek when Porky asked what was there.
            “Dad, why won’t you let me play on that side?” Porky had asked. “It’s very pretty over there and I bet I could have just as much fun over there as I do over here.”
            “No Porky! You can never cross the creek to that side,” Ratatouille said. “It’s very dangerous over there and there are animals that can cause a lot of harm to you and can possible eat you. I don’t think you want to be eaten, right Porky?”
            “No dad. I guess not,” Porky reluctantly admitted.
            At the time when the conversation took place, Porky was much younger than what he was now. An eight month old rodent was much stronger than a 3 year old rodent, right? He contemplated whether or not to cross the creek but his ravenous and growling stomach soon convinced him.
            “If anything should try to eat me, I’ll just climb a tree. No big deal,” Porky reasoned to himself as he waded across the creek, the water splashing and drenching his fur up to his nostrils. He quickly spotted a thick brush heavy with the juicy crimson berries he longed for. He started eating them straight from the branches when he suddenly heard soft footsteps. He slowly turned around and saw a wolf stalking him, its long white fangs bared in a snarl dripping with saliva. Its fur bristled with every step and Porky could hear the faintest savage snarl emitting from it. Porky was terrified; he knew that the wolf would soon be close enough to pounce upon him and he’d be nothing but its next meal. Then he felt something prickly above his head: the bush’s needles. Porky remembered the incident with the rabbit and bramble and quickly started grabbing the needles and sticking them into his fur. In a few seconds, his whole body was covered with sharp, pointy needles.
            Confident but still nervous of his plan, Porky eyed the wolf warily but stood his ground. The wolf lunged at him but Porky instantly curled into a ball, protecting his belly and exposing his quills. The wolf yelped as it got a mouthful of needles and ran away coughing and crying in shame and anger. Porky was so astonished that he was safe that he darted back home to his parents.
            “Mom! Dad! Look I have thorns!” Porky proudly announced.
            “Thorns? Quick come here and let me take them out. Oh, Porky, what did you get yourself into this time?” growled Rina.
            “No, go get some too. They saved me from being eaten by a wolf. I stuck some pine needles into my fur and when that dumb canine came at me, all it got was a mouthful of needles!” Porky boated. From then on, all the rodents in Porky’s family used pine needles to protect them from predators. Over time they were called porcupines, after Porky, and they began to be born with the quills. So if you ever see a porcupine, try not to touch its quills.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Comparison of “For Colored Girls” and “Out of Our Father’s House”

While viewing the films “For Colored Girls” and “Out of Our Father’s House”, I noticed distinct similarities and differences between the two. For instance, in the movie “For Colored Girls”, African American women describe the hardships they have faced and continue to face as they stumble through trying to find an identity for themselves. They describe instances of rape, domestic abuse, love, abortion, and abandonment. Each woman wears a distinct color that describes their experience and personifies their overall feeling such as yellow for hope. However, in “Out of Our Father’s House”, the women are Caucasian are describing their struggle for equality in the man-dominated era. They describe the pain and ridicule they faced as they try to make men believe women can be educated, have the privilege of suffrage, and be treated as equals. They even show how Elizabeth Cady Stanton was vital in the women’s suffrage movement. The dress and manner of being of the women was also different. In “Colored Girls”, the woman wore modern clothing in distinct colors and spoke in the Harlem accent. In contrast, in “Our Father’s House”, the setting was the late 1800s and the manner of dress was much more conservative. Evidently, there are similarities in these movies. Both movies show how women suffer for their beliefs and yet society tends to brush their problems aside. However, all the women demonstrate the strength that lies within every woman that pushes them forward and propels them through life.

Persuasive Essay 10

Prompt: If an alumnus donated a large sum of money to your school, how do you think that money should be spent? Write an essay convincing school officials to allocate the money in the way you think is best for the school.
Generosity is occurring less and less in our self-interested day and age. People tend to keep the money they have worked hard for for themselves. Therefore, it is nothing short of a miracle that an alumnus has donated a large amount of money back to our school. However, the question now is what to do with the money. The donated money should be invested in the students’ education and be used to purchase necessary materials and support extracurricular activities.
            It is no secret that students need the adequate materials in the classroom in order to learn. The most important material that we need are textbooks for our classes. Many teachers are forced to teach material from their own minds or using their own teacher’s edition book; this oftentimes does not help the students learn. Teachers are forced to make their own Power Points and slide shows so that the students take notes and then expect them to study them at home. This, as we know, does not always happen and notes can easily be misplaced or copied incorrectly. If we had textbooks, however, notes would be supplements and the students can be assigned pages to read at home; this will reinforce their learning of the material and allow them to understand and receive higher grades in the class. A textbook shortage is rampant in our school due to budget cuts, however with the donated money, officials can make a decision to make learning easier for students.
            Extracurricular activities such as field trips, music programs, and sports teams are vital in every child’s education; unfortunately our school is lacking in this area. We do not have any sports teams, take little field trips, and we have a nonexistent music and art program save for a theatre arts college class. Studies have shown that music programs and sports teams actually boost students’ performance in the classroom because they learn various skills such as critical thinking and time management skills. Field trips provide students with an opportunity to go out and see the world and experience things they otherwise might not be able to experience. This experience transcends into the classroom and gives students the chance to apply those real life experiences to the material being taught in the classroom. Yet, our school does not have the funds to administer these programs that benefit the students. We need to fix this problem and the generous alumnus has given us the resources and opportunity; we just need to act upon it.  
            School officials may argue that there are many other places where the money is needed more urgently; for example, the buildings might need remodeling or teachers may want new televisions or computers for their instruction. It is true that the school is in need of many improvements and it can be hard to decide where to spend the money. However, we all need to think of the students first and what they need now, not what could help them hypothetically or in the long run. We need our textbooks so that we can better understand the material being taught and alleviate the unnecessary suffering cold teaching causes teachers. We need more extracurricular activities so that we can learn beyond the classroom and textbook and discover real-life experiences. The combination of textbooks and extracurricular make for well-rounded students set for success in higher education institutions.
            We should be thankful for the alumnus’ generosity for donating his money to our school. He obviously would want his money to be put to good use, so we should respect his wishes. The students need the necessary learning materials; we need our textbooks. We also need extracurricular activities to discover hiddent talents and hobbies that we may enjoy and combine the academics of the school with real-life experiences to have a better understanding of this world and ourselves. We have a rare opportunity to better our school, our students, and our teachers. Let us be intelligent about the situation and use the money

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Persuasive Essay 9-A Cause Worth Fighting for

Prompt: Some people are actively involved in promoting and supporting a cause, such as the release of international political prisoners or protecting the environment. Is there a cause you actively support? Write an essay convincing readers to support that cause.
Few things are as precious to a woman as carrying a child inside of her.  It is a gift for some women and a blessing to others. Yet, there are some women who view this gift as a curse bestowed upon them. For women with this mindset, a simple option to solve this problem is receiving an abortion. But, are you murdering the unborn child inside of you, or are you just getting rid of an embryo? When does a fertilized egg stop being a cluster of cells and becomes a human child, complete with natural human rights?
            In the first trimester of a fetus’s life cycle, a women experiences ovulation. During this time, the chances to become pregnant are high. Once a sperm cell enters the vagina through sex, it travels up the Fallopian Tubes to fertilize an egg cell. A zygote is formed after this conception. Once a zygote is formed, the chromosomes of the sperm cell combine with the egg cell, resulting in the future baby’s gender. If the combination is XX, then it denotes a girl and YX denotes a boy.   During the first 4 weeks, the embryo begins to rapidly develop and a process called differentiation occurs and produces the various cells such as blood cells, kidney cells, and nerve cells. Then, in the 5th week, the first heartbeats begin to take place and the umbilical cord begins to develop. The blood is now pumping through the four heart chambers and other organs are beginning to develop. The embryo becomes a fetus at the end of the 8th week. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus now has developing vocal chords, hands, legs, early organs, facial features and has probably started to suck its thumb.
            In the second semester, the fetus develops even further. A mother can now feel kicks as the baby moves around the uterus. In the 16th week , the fetus is now learning to breathe and 6 gallons of blood is getting pumped into its heart a day. Nourishing the fetus is the woman’s placenta, which delivers nutrients from the food the woman eats to the fetus, as well as any harmful substances the mother may consume. By the 22nd week, the fetus can now hear conversations in the outside world and the brain is rapidly developing. By the end of week 27 and the 2nd semester, the fetus can now hear, has developed the eye retina, and is growing larger and longer every day.
            The fetus is almost fully developed by the 3rd trimester. Its head is now proportional to its body and fat continues to accumulate under the skin. It’s also more sensitive to changes in light, taste, and smell and its brain can now control breathing and body temperature. In the next few weeks, it will go down the uterus to get in the birthing position. The bones begin to harden and strengthen, however the skull is still soft. It is safe for a baby to be born in the 35th week because it is around the 35th and 36th week that the baby moves into the birthing canal, causing the mom discomfort when walking. Once the amniotic sac breaks (water breaks), the mother goes into labor. In  an average time span of 16 hours, the mother will push the baby out her body and voila! A child is born.
            A different path is taken for women who choose to have an abortion. When women choose to have an abortion, they end their pregnancy with either medications or surgical procedures. The medications all work in their own way, but the ultimate product is the loss of the fetus (baby). Abortion is often chosen by teenage mothers who aren’t ready to be parents or women who will not or cannot have a child in her life. Although there can be complications, having an abortion is safer than child birth.
            However, is abortion murder? Some advocates against abortion argue you are killing a life, even if it is unborn yet. Prochoice advocates argue that precisely because it is unborn, it is not yet human and thus cannot be murder. Yet, when a pregnant woman is killed and so is the unborn child, the crime is a double-murder. Abortions usually occur in the first two trimesters. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus already has a developing heart, brain, and limbs. By the end of the second, its heart now beats, it has hearing ability, and moves around the uterus. A living human is defined as having a beating heart. The fetus’s heart beats during the time an abortion can still be preformed.
            A fetus’s development is a long and arduous journey. A human is growing little by little in a women’s stomach. Abortion is a procedure that destroys that life. Yes, I do believe abortion is murder. If the fetus has a heart, then it is already considered a human, especially once that heart starts beating. The fetus can’t cry out or argue its rights but because it is a human child, it has the same rights as a 1 year-old infant or 99 year-old man. It is not a question of ethics; it is a question of if you were that unborn child would you have wanted to be aborted? Fight against abortion because a woman can choose, but a baby cannot.

Short Story-Alice

Alice Vanderbilt was born into a life of glamour and wealth. Her father was a New York Senator and her mother was the CEO of a successful department store. The family of three lived in renovated Victorian era mansion in upstate New York. From an early age Alice was spoiled and given everything her heart ever desired. She was involved in the most exclusive equestrian competitions and was a decorated rider.  Her success as a rider mirrored her parents’ success. To outsiders, Alice appeared to have a perfect life; however that was far from the truth. Due to the travelling nature of her parents’ jobs, Alice was often left alone at home and in fact was mostly raised by her family’s nanny, Dorota.
            Alice never had serious health problems except for the frequent headaches she endured every day.  When she was 10 years old, she attended a social party hosted by her mother, which was a rare occurrence. Throughout the night Alice suffered her worst headache yet and began to hear random voices. Many things the voices said were directed towards her or her parents but there was also small talk that didn’t concern her, as if she were eavesdropping on various conversations. She realized she was listening to people’s thoughts. This continued for days until she finally couldn’t handle it and told her parents. Alice believed her parents would help her, but they were alarmed of their daughter’s condition and thought her to be crazy. They immediately sent her to an asylum and had her locked up there until she was cured or died, whichever came first.
            Alice spent 6 miserable years at the asylum. The thin walls of the building allowed her to hear all the prisoners’ thoughts and she forced the guards to throw her into isolation where she could hear nothing due to the far distance from the main building. No one visited her except for the nurses who daily brought her food she did not eat and the doctors who came to check of she was still alive. Psychiatrist tried talking to her, but Alice knew what they thought of her and saw no reason why she should talk to them. After all, she wasn’t crazy. She soon began to learn how to control all the thoughts and how to listen in on one while shutting out all the rests. This allowed her to be moved back into the general population and have a bit more freedom. Her favorite thing to do was watch the sunsets because they reminded her of home. A part of her began to tell her she needed to escape and go back to her parents. One night she told the guard she really didn’t deserve to be locked up and surprisingly, he agreed! It was then that Alice realized that not only could she read people’s thoughts, she could also control them. That same night, Alice escaped the asylum and using her “powers of persuasion”, she made it back to her parents’ house.
            As she was nearing the living room, Alice heard her parents having a conversation about her and her condition. She was excited to show her parents she wasn’t crazy, only gifted, when she heard a mutual thought between her parents that neither said aloud; “It was such a relief to have sent Alice away before rumors about her began and she ruined our lives.” Alice was completely devastated. She always thought her parents loved her but now she knew the truth. She stormed into the room and willed unimaginable pain into both her parents and they withered on the floor in agony. She didn’t touch them, nor did she use any weapons. She was only using her mind and the pain they felt was only mental. However, Alice increased the pain with every second and soon both of her parents’ hearts couldn’t handle the stress and they gave out. Satisfied, Alice went to grab the only things that mattered to her at the moment; her phone, her parents’ credit cards, and a gold necklace her father gave her. As silently as she walked in, she left the house leaving 2 cold bodies on the living room floor. There was no evidence that a crime occurred in the house, save for a brunette with glowing pink eyes hurriedly leaving the property.
            Upon leaving her family’s house, Alice took the first plane to California to start a new life. She dyed her hair blonde and created a new identity for herself but she kept her name, the name her mother gave her 17 years ago. She wanted to put everything in the past and make herself believe never ever happened; she never had parents and thus they never sent her to an asylum for their own interests.  She used her powers to get anything she needed so she never lived in poverty. She went out, shopped, and even socialized. However, she never let herself have a true friend, despite the fact that she knew when people were being sincere with her. To an outsider, she seemed to have a perfect life but as we know, looks can be deceiving.

Dogs and Cats

Cats and dogs, two very different companions and lifelong rivals. They have competed to win the title of “Best Pet” for years now and this biased writer has made her decision. I believe dogs truly are man’s best friend. They are loyal, fun, and will always stay by your side. When you are sad and can find no one to talk to, your dog will listen and be with you because the love having companions. Cats, on the other hand, are solitary animals. They prefer to be alone and will only come up to you when IT wants to be petted or had its head scratched. You can easily forget you have a cat because cats will leave the premises of your house and only come back for food. Dogs, however, thrive on your love and affection. They always want to play with you and spend time with you. I have never heard of walking a cat. Cats are also very temperamental animals and can turn on their owners if they annoy them enough. Dogs are vicious as well, yet they acknowledge their masters (owners) and would never dare to hurt them. They will protect the house and all their masters from any stranger or intruder. That is why they bark like mad when the mailman comes; they are not part of the family and the dog sees them as a threat. Cats are not good as protectors because they always choose themselves over families. This is why I believe dogs are better pets.